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Inherits: EIP712 (opens in a new tab), Coordinator

Coordinator enhanced with ability to created subscriptions via off-chain EIP-712 signature

Allows creating a subscription on behalf of a contract via delegatee EOA signature

Allows nodes to atomically create subscriptions and deliver compute responses

State Variables


EIP-712 signing domain major version

string public constant EIP712_VERSION = "1";


EIP-712 signing domain name

string public constant EIP712_NAME = "InfernetCoordinator";


Gas overhead in wei to retrieve cached subscriptionId for existing delegatee-created subscription

A uint16 is sufficient but increases control plane costs. While we can pack this and the subsequent uint24 in contract storage to save data plane costs, we prioritize control plane and instead simply use a uint256

uint256 public constant DELEGATEE_OVERHEAD_CACHED_WEI = 600 wei;


Gas overhead in wei to create a new subscription via delegatee signature

Make note that this does not account for gas costs of dynamic inputs (containerId, inputs), just base overhead

Can fit within uint24, see comment for DELEGATEE_OVERHEAD_CACHED_WEI for details

uint256 public constant DELEGATEE_OVERHEAD_CREATE_WEI = 91_200 wei;


EIP-712 struct(Subscription) typeHash

bytes32 private constant EIP712_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
    "Subscription(address owner,uint32 activeAt,uint32 period,uint32 frequency,uint16 redundancy,uint48 maxGasPrice,uint32 maxGasLimit,string containerId,bytes inputs)"


EIP-712 struct(DelegateSubscription) typeHash

struct(DelegateSubscription) == { uint32 nonce, uint32 expiry, Subscription sub }

The nonce represents the nonce of the subscribing contract (sub-owner); prevents signature replay

The expiry is when the delegated subscription signature expires and can no longer be used

bytes32 private constant EIP712_DELEGATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
    "DelegateSubscription(uint32 nonce,uint32 expiry,Subscription sub)Subscription(address owner,uint32 activeAt,uint32 period,uint32 frequency,uint16 redundancy,uint48 maxGasPrice,uint32 maxGasLimit,string containerId,bytes inputs)"


Subscribing contract => maximum seen nonce

The nonce is a uint32 size(4.2B) which would take > 100 years of incrementing nonce per second to overflow

mapping(address => uint32) public maxSubscriberNonce;


hash(subscribing contract, nonce) => subscriptionId

Allows lookup between a delegated subscription creation (unique(subscriber, nonce)) and subscriptionId

mapping(bytes32 => uint32) public delegateCreatedIds;



Overrides Solady.EIP712._domainNameAndVersion to return EIP712-compatible domain name, version

function _domainNameAndVersion() internal pure override returns (string memory, string memory);


Overrides Solady.EIP712._domainNameAndVersionMayChange to always return false since the domain params are not updateable

function _domainNameAndVersionMayChange() internal pure override returns (bool);


Allows a delegatee to create a subscription on behalf of a subscribing contract (sub.owner)

Unlike Coordinator.createSubscription(), offers maximum flexibility to set subscription parameters

function createSubscriptionDelegatee(
    uint32 nonce,
    uint32 expiry,
    Subscription calldata sub,
    uint8 v,
    bytes32 r,
    bytes32 s
) public returns (uint32, bool);


nonceuint32subscribing contract nonce (included in signature)
expiryuint32delegated subscription signature expiry (included in signature)
subSubscriptionsubscription to create
vuint8ECDSA recovery id
rbytes32ECDSA signature output (r)
sbytes32ECDSA signature output (s)


<none>uint32subscriptionId (if subscription exists, returns existing ID, else returns new ID)
<none>boolexists (true if returning existing subscription, else false)


Allows active nodes to (1) atomically create or collect subscription via signed EIP-712 message, (2) deliver container compute responses for created or collected subscription

function deliverComputeDelegatee(
    uint32 nonce,
    uint32 expiry,
    Subscription calldata sub,
    uint8 v,
    bytes32 r,
    bytes32 s,
    uint32 deliveryInterval,
    bytes calldata input,
    bytes calldata output,
    bytes calldata proof
) external onlyActiveNode;


nonceuint32subscribing contract nonce (included in signature)
expiryuint32delegated subscription signature expiry (included in signature)
subSubscriptionsubscription to create
vuint8ECDSA recovery id
rbytes32ECDSA signature output (r)
sbytes32ECDSA signature output (s)
deliveryIntervaluint32subscription interval
inputbytesoptional off-chain input recorded by Infernet node (empty, hashed input, processed input, or both)
outputbytesoptional off-chain container output (empty, hashed output, processed output, both, or fallback: all encodeable data)
proofbytesoptional container execution proof (or arbitrary metadata)



Thrown by createSubscriptionDelegatee() if subscription signature does not match contract delegatee

4-byte signature: 0x10c74b03

error SignerMismatch();


Thrown by createSubscriptionDelegatee() if signature for delegated subscription has expired

4-byte signature: 0x0819bdcd

error SignatureExpired();